Saturday, November 14, 2009

A good ride...

There's something about a bike ride, the effort, the overcoming. I tell my friends occasionally "I've never regretted a single bike ride I've ever done" and I mean that. Even when I've crashed, or bonked or had multiple flats, I've gained something of value in that ride. It may be pushing my physical limits, embracing life a little bit more because I've come close to losing it, commiserating or having heart to heart chats with friends, it's all good.

This morning was no different, a little slower to nurse my knees, a little more stressful from being on-call, but still fulfilling. I was able to reflect on life and find a bit of clarity.

The brilliant rainbow I saw spanning the western sky this morning seemed nothing less than an affirmation of the beauty of this particularly humble ride.


lorie said...

Yeah, that rainbow was nice.

Yara said...

Hi Jim, if you want you can have a look at our DBA-weblog, so you can see who we are and what we are doing in Europe:
Kind rgds