Friday, November 28, 2008

Just another day

Good Thanksgiving out my parent's house in north Scottsdale. Lot's of good food and visiting. I don't get to be with my parents as much as I want with work and all. So it's always good to see them.

Went on a Black Friday bike ride today. Didn't feel quite right in the morning and went to the hospital to work in the early afternoon so I didn't get out until 3. It was nice to go out alone with my tunes and just do a moderate spin. Burned off a thousand cal's so that was good.

It's funny, I got this weird desire to ride the TRW mountain bike trail on my road bike. I know every inch of it and was thinking I'd do a little cross stuff. I was gonna ride from Power over to the park on Recker. Anyways, I had turned around to go back to the trail and was just about to hit the dirt when I got a call from the hospital telling me to come into the ER to do a scan. Was I just spared? Divine intervention to preserve me? I don't know, it just seemed so weird because I was so intent on riding that thing. Or maybe just coincidence...

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