Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just Thinking

Just thinking.

 I consider this blog as a type of journal, race reports, training thoughts and general musings. I've had people suggest I write articles on cycling and such. Flattered, but I'm not compelled to do that. There are probably thousands of blogs and websites with far more information than I could provide. I just want to convey to anyone who would have interest (or no one) a few of the experiences I go through. And maybe in reading some of my previous posts, I can learn something...

That reminds me, I've got a few race reports from last year to jot down. Maybe later though, I've got a sexy looking salad calling my name...


Matt Lofgran said...

Jim, I really only rode in May but didn't see you out, so hoping you're well and still getting at it. I'm back in Chamonix and trying to get in the rides in July. Wish you were by my side (or better yet, just in front so I could draft, ha ha). Hope to see you in the valley in Aug or this fall. Best, -ML

Jim Auwen said...

Wow...good to to hear from you Matt. Hope life is good and you're well. For sure, we ride in August!