Sunday, February 27, 2011

My "Been Awhile" post

Just a quick update on things.

I was on a bike ride the other day and I was overcome with the thought "this just isn't fun anymore". I'm talking about my beloved sport of cycling. Or, to be more specific, how I feel WHEN I'm cycling. I've never, ever told myself that before, not even in my worst suffering.

The nagging, dull ache in my neck is finally getting the best of me. Still hits me at around 20 miles in and is unrelenting. I've tried different positions and stretching and good internal talk and prayer and I just think I'm done. My last option if my MUA (manipulation under anesthesia) doesn't help, is riding a recumbent. Yesterday I was riding around Las Sendas sitting completely upright with no hands and I felt some relief, that position takes all the head weight off my neck. That's why I believe a recumbent might be the ticket "positional correctness" I call it.

We'll see how it plays out, in the big picture of life it's not a huge deal but cycling is something that's important to me and I'd like to get back on track with endurance racing, even on a recumbent if I have to.

Better go.

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