Friday, February 4, 2011

Coulda been squished today...

This just in...

As I was heading into Las Sendas this afternoon my life was spared by an attempted random act of kindness.

While riding my Nag east on Thomas Rd and just as I was entering the intersection at Power (with a green light) I slowed and asked two young girls who were on their bikes if they needed any help. They were stopped and fiddling with one of the girls bike chains on the right side of the intersection. Just as they said they were okay I looked up and saw a flash of blue just in front of my bike. Someone had ran a red light in a Minivan and I was a split second from death.

Not "I might have been hit and been hurt" I'm talking undoubtedly--death. The van was doing at least 50 plus and a second faster would have put me in front of the grill. That second or two it took to ask how they were saved my life.

It's funny how I didn't feel shaken by it, i've been close to IT quite a few times in my life and because it happens occasionally, I guess i'm used to it, I just shook it off and just kept riding.

My point of all this isn't how lucky I am or that I feel i've been preserved once more, my point is that helping others, or even just TRYING to help others may actually save your life ;-)


@jenhalloran said...

Oh my gosh -- that's really close to where my husband was hit last year! So lucky you weren't hurt. And yes, it's a great example of why it's always a good idea to help when we feel prompted. Thanks for sharing.

lorie said...

Glad you're alive.