Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bucket List

No, this is not my list, only an announcement that I am starting one. The family is gone for a few days and I want to try and open my mind.

I was about to Google some existing lists from other people and maybe borrow from them but had the impression that I want to come up with my own. My own list from my own twisted mind.

I hate to put a damper or limits on this thing, but I'm a bit older so some concessions I'm sure will have to be made. Regardless, I need to have something written down that I can strive towards. I never write things down, I guess I feel I'm bright enough to have goals in my head and at hand, but you know what they say about a goal not written down.

So, more to come. Maybe even disclose a few to the public...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tour de Safford

What to expect? Pain and discomfort for sure, maybe pull out a platinum, I don't know.

Tour de Safford was last weekend and though i'm glad I went, I probably should've done the 33 with my son.

Curtis Clifford, Taylor Auwen and I headed over on Friday and stayed in Thatcher with Meri's parents. We stopped in to the diner where Sterling had chosen as a carbo load dinner site but it was a no-go for us, we decided to go back to Thatcher and eat at the Hawaiian cafe there on Main St. I'm glad we did, it was good food and Curtis got to meet a famous volleyball coach and they chatted for about an hour. Then off to the in-laws and sleep.

The next morning we got up late, and got to the start line just about 1 minutes before the gun went off. Nice controlled start, one rider went down on a cattle guard and was out cold, people were helping so I rode on.

I was doing well enough to be in the lead pack until about 1/2 mile from the top of the longest climb. I had to decide whether to redline and stay with them or hang back with Curtis. I felt with my compact gearing I wouldn't be able to stay the LP on the downhill so I decided to fall back with a slower pack. Different pack, same anticipated result, they got away from me on the steep downhill. I was riding at the back and looked up to see a gap, couldn't cross because I was spun out and that was it, 60 miles miles to the finish and nearly all of it solo.

Every now and then i'd ride along with someone but they'd either fall off or stop at the aid stations. When I was on the highway near Safford, Meri texted me to let me know I still had 6 minutes to get Platinum, I immediately let-up and soft pedeled because I knew that wasn't going to happen, 5 miles and a steep uphill to go and I was alone. So, I just rode in easy and finished in 5:14.

The neck was highly bothersome, I would try and ride as upright as I could, stretch and down the Advil but still a nuisance. Chiropractic is next on the list of remedies.

Curtis did well, he finished around 4:58 and in Platinum time. I was proud of my son Taylor, he hadn't trained so he did the 33. He finished 3rd out of about 50 people and did so with no water and on low tires, he forgot his water and didn't check is pressure, live and learn...

I like this race, I like the openess and the friendly people. I'll be back next year and hopefully in better all-around condition.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Just relax...

Okay, I'm going to Safford for a road race tomorrow and i've never felt so pessimistic. It's just feels like it's not gonna work, I just don't feel up to the challange.

I don't know how my neck will tolerate it, for sure medication and I guess my wife will be around to pick me up if need be. Besides that, I'm absolutely out-of-shape and out of "determination" that follows race fitness.

This may be my last "race" depending on what the next 6 months brings. I will be doing a fitness program starting next week that may help and I've been considering chiropractic though I have skepicism about it.

Just re-read what i've written and it sounds so gloomy, I don't mean to be, just being a realist. Gotta be patient I guess and relax. I'm going over with Curtis Clifford and my son Taylor so that'll be fun. It's the first Tour de Safford and first races are great, I love the chaos.

So my word for this weekend is...RELAX

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I am a cyclist

For the past 5 weeks I have been undergoing physical therapy treatments on my neck. Cycling and just about any physical activity has been highly limited. I feel like E-Mac must've felt with his neck but hopefully I can work it out and not have a surgeon fillet me up like Eric did. The stiffness is nearly gone thanks to PT. After my little "see how it feels" ride of about 25 miles, my neck locks up, it's momentary when it happens but scary regardless. Not sure what to make of it, kind of a localized spontaneous radiculopathy. Hopefully the MRI i'm having this week will shed a little light. If not, i'll have to assume arthritis unless my doc gives me some kind of alternate diagnosis.

I've always considered myself an endurance cyclist but that may change depending on my progression or lack there-of. Sobering thoughts are swimming around inside my head; "maybe I can ride with some kind of neck brace, maybe it's something that be fixed, maybe I can take up rowing, maybe I should sell my beloved bikes and never ride again..." Regardless, i'll give it a bit more time and ride occasionally to experience the after effects and my fate.

I hesitate writing these thoughts, I guess if the the only people who read this blog are close friends, then maybe they'll learn why they don't see me out on my bike anymore.

Tour de Safford is over for me, funny thing is, out of excitement, I was probably the first person to sign-up, and now I can't even do the 33 miler, let alone the 102. Same disappointment not being able to do the 234 Cochise, new course and bike, good fitness, just the little problem of my neck not being able to tolerate riding it.

I know life isn't automatic, you just don't expect to possibly lose one of the most passionate parts of your life due to a negligent driver who was probably texting.

I think Carla was trying to console me by telling me: "Cycling isn't who you are, it's just something you do. It doesn't define you" or something to that effect. At first I agreed, it made sense but a few days later I didn't feel that way at all. Cycling does define me, it has taught me and has changed me into the man I am today. I was undefined before I took up the sport 20 years ago. I didn't know who I was. I never thought I could ride 8 miles back then but when I did, I realized it was within me to be able to ride that far. And so that's how i've progessed and allowed cycling to define me. At one time I didn't think I could ride 100 miles, but did it. 252? impossible but did it practically solo. 520 miler? yes, I discovered that it's within me. I have been tempered and refined, so yes, I can do it, it's who I am and what i'm known for. I have the ability to suffer, and I learned alot about suffering from cycling. So no Carla, I respectfully disagree, cycling is not just something I do, it IS who I am.

Whatever, i'm whining too much...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Burnin' Love


Nice ride yesterday, started out fine then ended in a bit of misery. Wanted to ride solo as usual so I timed my departure to start after the group ride start. I should have known someone in the group would've had a flat. I rode by and heard muffled jeering from some of my friends, nevertheless I was able to ride another 15 miles before they would catch me. I decided to ride along with the group but as we arrived at Rio Verde the group slowed and I took off. I didn't know I had a follower until I turned left to climb 9-mile hill, he was a new Brumby rider and told me he was from Oklahoma. I suspected he was a new AZ transplant when he thought we were heading south as we climbed up the 9. I had a specific pace I wanted to do so after talking awhile I suggested he jump on a small pack that was overtaking us, he did and I watched them pull away. Another small group went by towards the top of the climb. I noticed Julie Huish and Nicole Susco in that group and I thought about how much they've improved their cycling fitness, very impressive (very nice people as well).

When I got to the top we fed and watered and chatted. I was then persuaded by David Hatfield to keep riding on to Seven Springs. I hesitated as did Grant Taylor because it was already heating up and the small amount of cloud cover was becoming ever-thinner. But, we caved and off we went. After about 10 miles Grant and I decided to turn around and scurry home while we we were still able. We went home the Pima road way, it was flatter and we thought maybe faster but the constant waiting at traffic lights made it worse in terms of speed and heat discomfort. Grant and I stopped one last time at the Shell station on Pima then pushed the final 10 or so miles for home.

I've ridden in a lot of hot weather and I'm no stranger to discomfort but that final push was VERY warm, especially with the high humidity. Desperation is the one word that comes to mind those last few miles. I know Grant would agree, we were spent and done with the heat.

I spoke with David that night and he told me he, Wayne Smith and Mike Skousen decided to get picked up in Fountain Hills by Mike's wife, same problem, the heat that day was just overwhelming and for sure dangerous.

We all lived to tell the tale but if i'm riding a century in the Arizona, in July, i'm heading out at 2 0r 3 a.m. I knew better, I'm usually riding that early but needed to sleep in that morning.

In summary, I believe 115 degrees is great if...I can read about it from Alaska.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

One is the loneliest number

Been riding alot on my own lately. I just enjoy my own pace and not the ebb and flo's of the pack. Plus, I've had this odd feeling that one of these packs are due for a crash. I don't hope for this of course, but when I assume my spot in the rear of the packs I see inexperience and carelessness, it's just a matter of time.

Some of my fast friends don't understand my solo riding, they tell me I'm "not very social". Here are a few reasons for my loner behavior.

-As mentioned earlier, I like pushing the speed I want, for as long as I want.

-Self-preservation (also mentioned above).

-I LOVE MUSIC. (hard to carry a conversation when I'm trying to groove)

-Music also drowns-out the crunchy sound of Crepitus in my right knee. Am I kidding? Ask me to demonstate sometime.

-I'm slower. Yes, it's true, my blinding speed has diminished with age.

So there's my reasons, or excuses for this behavior and i'm okay with all of them...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Good morning...

Had a good morning, couldn't go on the 100 miler with the LOTOJA guys because I had a scheduled ultrasound at 0730. Rode to work then headed out on the bike.

Nice pace, great weather, flowing along. Rode past a young inexperienced rider heading the other way. I felt uneasy because he looked like he was struggling so I turned around to check on him. He had no water so I asked him if he wanted some, he said "I'll take all I can get". I had been out quite a while so I didn't have much but I gave him most of what I did. After a quick chat on preparedness I rode on.

I've lost a little weight and I've been feeling better on the bike. Also, I've been eating Chia seeds, they are a great little supplement but I'll have to post on them later, turns out I lost 6.5 pounds on my ride and need to rehydrate stat.

So, good deed, good ride and hopefully a productive day ahead.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quick update

Funny, but it's been awhile since i've been on and I had to struggle to remember my password.

All is well I guess. Currently working on "leaning-up" and getting base miles in on the bike. Thinking about applying for Cardiac U/S school so that will slow me up for 9 months but it wouldn't start till October so my Lotoja race is safe.

Alright, enough written, gotta take baby steps back to bloghood...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I need a vacation...

Been awhile, I know. My heart just isn't in it lately, and i'm not quite sure why. I'm shutting down a bit and want to focus on other things in my life. I guess they call it "prioritizing"

Too many feelings and too many wonderings to make public. I'll be back someday after I get some kind of grasp on things.

Wish I could take my struggle to another locale but here is where my responsibilities are.

Bye for now...