Friday, April 24, 2009


Off cycling for a change. Life is going pretty well. I guess the important thing around here is that my parents went through the temple for the first time last week. It took a while but I guess in the scheme of things it was a blink of an eye.

All that matters is that it was an important and sacred step and now we can be sealed as a family. The sealing will be May 6th in the Arizona Temple and should be very nice as you could imagine.

Started paving the backyard and it's coming along, Jason has been helping me. Migraine today but no barfing this time so not too bad. What sucked was the timing, it started while I was scanning patient. Luckily I was nearly finished.

Kinda tired tonight, gotta get up to lift at 4:30 so gotta go.......

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tour de Phoenix day

Didn't do the Tour de Phoenix yesterday and have mixed emotions about it. As i've told others "I just don't feel compelled to do it". That, and the feeling of dread I've had for months about it. I guess i'd call it a prompting, don't know why, but I just had to go with it. To those who don't know, my friend, and Lorie and Dave's father Herman Funk died last year after riding in this race and that experience may have something to do with my feelings, I don't know.

A few days ago I tried to dupe the prompting and planned to do the race on Kip Sharpe's tandem with Lorie Tucker. I think we could've done a pretty good job, I just couldn't get over the dread. Turns out Lorie had similar feelings and we decided to just ride out and watch. Funny thing is I just couldn't accept the fact I wouldn't be racing so I stopped by the Tri-stake center where the sign-ups were and walked around thinking I might change my mind. No good, it just wasn't going to happen this year. Anyways, thanks Kip for the offer and thanks to Lorie for the consideration, we would've had a blast.

Lorie and I did ride out to Usery yesterday and to the top to wait for the leaders. We had good conversation and shared a few Herman memories. At the top Carla and her daughters had pulled over to watch Kyle and Kip come over so we chatted to them for a while until the riders came along.

The weather yesterday was absolutely perfect, the company ideal, and it was just a nice relaxing day. Kyle and Kip fought hard and won the male tandem division. It was great that Fred Nelson got platinum. And Barry and Kim were amazing to get platinum, MALE platinum. I loved it that Bridget Verhaaren got platinum as well, she was awesome and deserved it. Everyone at the finish seemed happy.

As I was saying, I'm happy just to help people. I enjoy my good friends and hanging out with Lorie was just a relaxing time. I don't care about placing 210th or 1st, wait, 1st is nice but I would trade that easily for a fun day on the bike with people I care about.

I guess my values have changed and as I sit here the thought hit me that if I keep this up, I may, if i'm lucky, become just like Herman.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I'm adjusting to life with acceptance that my running days are over. I've been walking on the treadmill at Mountainside. I elevate the incline and still get a good workout but it doesn't feel as fun.

I noticed that the Showlow Tri will have an Aquabike division (swim and bike only) this year. I may try that type of competition sometime but I was shocked at the cost of this one, $150! I'll have to shop around for other events with an Aquabike division.

Odd ride this morning, the group got puposely buzzed by a pickup after Higley. I was a little bothered so went after him in hot pursuit hoping a light would catch him. The joker pulled into QT for probably a Twinkie and coffee. As I waited for him to leave is truck Wayne Smith pulls up and confronts him. It got a little heated and when we realized it was going nowhere we left. The guy was not sorry and probably will pull that again, I just hope he doesn't kill anybody.

Thoughts on the upcoming Tour de Phoenix tomorrow. Too tired now, got called into the hospital at 0245 this morning. Later...