Saturday, April 23, 2011

Some people

Beautiful weather during this morning's ride. Haven't been out with a group in a while but thought it would be nice to see some familiar faces. The Thomas's were out of course, along with the usual "groupies".

Saw Lorie and Todd head out west on McDowell and Kim told me they were headed to 9-mile and pancakes.

I went to Saguaro and pulled over near the dam to watch some perching vultures for a while. A recumbent goes by so I took off with him for a chat. He's been riding his bent for about a year and loves it. His name is David Brake and it so happens he rode Mulholland last week (the race I couldn't do because of my neck status). He said it was the hardest thing he's ever done, or race, I can't remember. Anyways should be nice having another recumbent rider to ride with occasionally, maybe.

Randy Nunley came by and he said it was a tough race as well. Dang it !! We both talked about how we work too much and how we're gonna slow down a bit. He said one of his patients finally retired and died 8 months later, now his wife is dating and spending. Uh huh, I think a vacation is in order...

Came back via the Usery climb and half way up two men and a female passed me. I just happened to feel good at that time and picked up my pace a bit. I passed them back slowly, (I never want others to feel like I'm challenging them) and one of the men (a short stocky fellow with an Empire jersey) goes by me and stays just ahead of me. If I speed up he speeds up, if I slow down, he would slow down. I really didn't think a fellow cyclist would mess with another but I guess he felt like I challenged his manliness or something. We got to the top and I turned around to a repeat. He turned around as well and as he passed me says (cue condescending tone...) "I was hoping you were gonna push me to the top"

I shrugged it off but it started to bother me that this punk is trying some power play on a Saturday morning fun ride. I imagine he bragged to his friends how he put me in my place. I get so tired of some people sometimes. I'm just riding, I go very slowly around your friends and you think you're Lance? C'mon...

I thought of turning around and offering a little fatherly advice on life and etiquette but I felt this was the type of person who didn't want to hear it. So...I let it go.

Rode back up with Bridgette Verhaaren and Ruth Collins, great people and good conversation. Bridgette and Rob are going to Greece this summer and I am full of envy, sorry...I love Archaeology, I'm envious.

So I ended up riding 3 hours and will head back out in support of Kyle in 30 minutes. Shouldn't be too crazy, he hasn't ridden in a while and the pace should be easy. Maybe i'll practice what I learned this morning and ride just ahead of him, mark his every move and show him what a powerful rider I am...

Some people...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vision Quest...

I'm entered in the HooDoo 500 i'm nervous to say. It would be nice to actually train for a race, maybe do a "Vision Quest" kinda thing.

I think i'm more stable now, with the thyroid replacement stuff and the recumbent ordered. The neck has greater mobility after the MUA and it looks like migraines may be a thing of the past because of it. I'm having some left arm radiculopathy (numbness) but I've been medicating for that and am hopeful. Blah, blah.. I just wanted to disclose my physical considerations.

So, I figure 4 months to the event should be adequate to prepare. Lots to consider besides training...lights, clothing, equipment, nutrition and mental status. Nutrition may be the most critical, it's everything to be hydrated and fed properly. I've been given the ok to race on my new Carbent Raven by the HooDoo organizers and i'm looking forward to the new challange.

Got a week to prepare for my training. I'll scour the internet for options and methods and hopefully work it out.

Wish me luck....